Mastermind’s Behavior Prediction Score® ranks your prospects on a scale of 0-100 based on propensity to buy. Take the guesswork out of your dealership’s marketing strategy by automatically predicting who you should be marketing to, what offers motivate them to buy, and how soon you should begin marketing to them.
Our campaigns are effective because they proactively target prospects who are predicted to soon be entering the market with personalized and relevant offers. Stay two steps ahead of their buying journey and the competition with automated marketing that is always working for you. Let Mastermind take the guesswork out of your prospecting so you can spend more time focusing on what matters most: the fruitful results!
- Lower your cost-per-sale by an average of 80%
- Generate up to a 15X marketing ROI
- Over 103,000 custom campaign variations
How Do Proactive Marketing Campaigns Increase Your Bottom Line?
Mastermind's predictive marketing campaigns are the most successful campaigns we've seen. There are no gimmicks and the offers are straightforward and personalized. The only downside is that I may run out of cars to sell!”
– John Roberts Toyota
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Interested in achieving a marketing ROI up to 15X? Request a Mastermind demo today.
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